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100% of all donations are going to the cause for clean fresh drinking water for children and their families around the world.

Clean Water Foundation is a 501 C 3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. You will receive acknowledgement letter of your donation.

We make it as simple as possible. You tell us about your property by filling out a quick form with some basic information. We will review the property to see if it can be accepted and confirm with you. We’ll send you closing documents to sign, and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt. 

Our quick form captures all the details we’ll need to start the donation process, including property address and owner, type of property and square footage. We'll run a standard review on the property, including title search, tax and lien search and environmental violations search to determine if the charity can accept your property.

No Cost. Simple Process. Maximum Tax Deduction.

Typically, the process takes between 3-6 weeks. We'll take care of the paperwork & mail the closing docs for you to sign.

We pay all closing and recording fees. Plus, you’ll save on future property tax and maintenance fees. You’ll get a tax deduction for the appraised value of your donation. Your donation will go towards helping kids and families around the world to have clean drinking water.

Donate your ca using online form or call our donation specialists at 206-228-6836. We’ll call you to arrange a convenient pickup time for your car donation. Your car donation can be picked up within 24 -48 hours.

 If your car sells for more than $500 your receipt will be for the sale price. Otherwise, you claim the fair market value of the car, up to $500

Your donation supports the families with water issues around the world.

Your tax deduction is based on the sale price of your car. We work hard to sell your car for the best price which means more funds for our charity and a bigger tax deduction for you.

Donating is easy. No paperwork. Zero cost.